Thursday, November 3, 2011

protestors, corn mazes, and Octoberfest...

These peeps have been posted up on Market Street downtown for quite a while... And if I had the guts (and an accessible parking place near them) I would ask them some questions...
  1. What did the history museum do to deserve a protest?
  2. Why do they stand there and read books? I was expecting chanting and picketing, something like the one in You've Got Mail... when they "picket the big bad chain store... that's out to destroy everything they hold dear..."
  3. Is this protest related to the one I saw outside of Lowe's?
  4. Who makes these signs?
  5. How do they get off of work everyday to stand and read by this sign?
  6. Why are they protesting so far away from the history museum?

AC got a Groupon for the Mayfield Corn Maze!! 

The last corn maze I did was one year during college and I am pretty sure there was a drought because the corn was on average 2" tall which defeated the whole maze concept... I remember it got dark and then we ran through the maze, arms linked, three people across, and that made it a little more challenging...

This corn maze was a little different...

And it was pitch black... I was grateful AC is good with directions or I might still be in there... wandering around that bit that is the ribbon.

This was at the entrance, it is made out of milk jugs! Super cool!!

See the milk jugs? Maybe Camp DeSoto could make one of these with all the Mayfield jugs from the summer...

This is how dark it was when we started the corn maze...

They had a Corn Box at this place... 
Imagine a McDonald's ball pit, now swap the balls for kernels of feed corn, take away the yelling kids and fast food smell, add in a cool fall evening and a 23 year old throwing corn and you get this...

Attempt #2...

And guess what we discovered once we got out of the Corn Box? Yup, that's right, we had broken all the rules...

They had a cool exhibit set up with different kinds of cows and signs telling you about the breed and where they lived and what was different about them. They were 3D-ish and had buckets in the middle and you could practice milking them. But of course the only one I took a picture of was the bizarre flat, green, ill-looking cow that looks like it got caught peeing in the neighbors grass or something...

AC beat me at checkers... badly...

Then it was Octoberfest at the Chattanooga Market!! Such a fun community! We listened to an Oompah band...

This is the way to celebrate Octoberfest... in a cape!

Saw this collie resting in the kettle corn tent. Love his little hat!

This little kid was having his pastel portrait made... Can't you see him in 20 years wondering why his mother dressed him up in a lederhosen/Sound of Music outfit and took him out in public? I hope they hang the portrait in the family room or maybe on the way up the stairs?

The Chattanooga Market has been one of the highlights of living here. Sundays 11-4pm... You should check it out!

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